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Official USA County Records Provider

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More than 8.2 Billion Records in the Database, for the first time on the internet!
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West Virginia (WV) County Records!

Start exploring over millions of public and vital records from this WV County records repository to gather plenty of facts and information about West Virginians. Find out the vital statistics, genealogy history, legal and historical family records dating back to early days easily.

Search and Learn Information From WV County Archive:

This records archive enables to procure county public records and county vital records more effortlessly than of previous days. Everyday people search these records for numerous reasons like to learn the whereabouts of ancestors, find data on family property and land, ancestral lineage, verify someone's honesty, solve legal and domestic issues and others.

County birth certificate records, marriages, divorces are considered necessary to trace one's parent's names, race, citizenship, true identity, birth date and place; marriage date and location, spouse's name and related details; if divorced then date, cause and place of divorce, alimony, children's names (if any). Adoption records help to find basic identifying information about an adoptee or individual's birth and adoptive parents' details. As records of adoption are the legal records so in some states access to this information requires court's approval.

Get the death records and obituary news data to track an individual's date, cause and location of death, including spouse and parents' names, funeral date and more. Records of death often lead a way towards finding land data and last will and testament records and other genealogical information.

WV military service records and 1st & 2nd World Wars and Civil War records offer a great deal of information about a veteran or military person. Census

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To obtain the West Virginia County Records, please provide the information below. When you fill-up the form, make a note : The more fields you fill in, the more detailed result you will get.

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records play a key role in tracking family roots and forefathers with detailed information on birth, marriage, residence, occupation(s), property, relationships and more. County civil court records search offers data on adoption, naturalization, divorce and probate case records, helpful to solve both legal and personal matters.

Where can I find West Virginia County Records Easily?

Despite the fact that every type of record is now available online, still in most cases the search remains incomplete and results are also not up to the mark. Reasons behind such problems are inaccurate indexing, issues with multiple names, spelling error and much more. Considering all these, County Records Search Engine has been designed to make your WV public record and public-vital record search smooth, complete and fruitful.

Records indexed in this database have been collected from various trusted sources on the web and arranged systematically. It will meet the needs of every record seeker and genealogist and its simple search tool and numerous records search option will help you to access and obtain county wise information easily and quickly. Owing to its comprehensive database and search facility, this website is the perfect way of exploring records about West Virginia people.

A Brief About West Virginia

Ranked 37th in the U.S. (By Population)

Flag Of West Virginia


Capital         : CHARLESTON

Largest City : Charleston

Area            : 24,230 sq mi(62,755 km sq)

Population   : 1,855,413 (2012 est)

Geographical Information

- Latitude : 37° 12 ' (N) to 40° 39 ' (N)

- Longitude : 77° 43 ' (W) to 82° 39 ' (W)

- Length : 240 miles (385 km)

- Width : 130 miles (210 km)

- % water : 0.6%

Seal Of West Virginia


Three Things You must know before you get registered

We are one of the TOP Records Providers, who are Updating / Adding new Data 24 hours 365 days.

We are the largest records database provider on the internet. We have more than 300 million records in the database in our repository. Our dedicated research team is working 24 X 7 X 365 for collecting, authenticating and collating records across the globe just to make sure that your most reliable records are only a few clicks away.

What our Registered Members are Saying?

John M. Ames Picture
John M. Ames
Member Since 14th Oct 2012. WV, USA
Accessing public records in USA is now so easy! Most of the websites are full of improper and incomplete information. Thanks to the county-record.net.It is an excellent site for searching any public county record you are looking for and that too from your home. Great service and I am very thankful!
Richard Rowen Picture
Richard Rowen
Member Since 10th Nov 2012. WV, USA
Searching required information is very easy here and it took only a few minutes for me to get the birth records of my uncle and aunty. The biggest advantage of this site is, it is very user friendly. As a member of county-record.net, I want to suggest this site to my all friends who are looking for the county wise public records of USA.

West Virginia County Records provide the following:

Birth Records Death Records Obituary Records Marriage Records Divorce Records Court Records Adoption Records Census Records Military Records War Records Land Records Will & Estate Records Arrest Records Background Records

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County Records here

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Search Your Records West Virginia County Wise

Barbour Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay Doddridge Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock Hardy Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanawha Lewis Lincoln Logan Marion Marshall Mason McDowell Mercer Mineral Mingo Monongalia Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming

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All About West Virginia

West Virginia State Information West Virginia information resource links to state homepage, symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees http://www.50states.com/wvirgini.htm West Virginia State Information West Virginia state specific contacts and information on speech-language pathology and audiology licensing, teacher, support personnel, hearing aid, and hearing screening requirements. http://www.asha.org/advocacy/state/info/WV/ Court Information by County - West Virginia Judiciary Find Parking Ticket, Divorce, Circuit Court, Family Court, Magistrate Court, Probation, and other court related information on a by county basis. http://www.courtswv.gov/public-resources/court-information-by-county.html West Virginia: Facts, Map and State Symbols. West Virginia USA State Flag state symbols Quiz Printouts State Printout Map quiz http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/states/westvirginia/ West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (WV FRIS) | Information and Resources for Victims of Sexual Violence and Stalking The West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (FRIS) is a network of regional rape crisis centers in West Virginia. http://www.fris.org/ Fun Facts about West Virginia The West Virginia Legislature's Capitol Classroom http://www.legis.state.wv.us/educational/Kids_Page/fun_facts.cfm West Virginia Jurisdiction Information Bar admission information for West Virginia. http://www.ncbex.org/jurisdiction-information/jurisdiction/wv West Virginia Parkways Authority Toll and E-ZPass Rates http://www.transportation.wv.gov/Turnpike/about/Pages/default.aspx WV.gov News Feed West Virginia Division of Culture and History Sets Application Deadline for Cultural Facilities and Capital Resource Grants. http://www.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx#home West Virginia DNR - Wildlife Resources Resident lifetime hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses http://www.wvdnr.gov/fishing/license.shtm West Virginia Division of Corrections Vision, Mission, Core Values and Guiding Principles http://www.wvdoc.com/wvdoc/ Insurance Education Center Welcome to the West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner's Insurance Education Center http://www.wvinsurance.gov/default.aspx Contractor Information West Virginia Division of Labor Contractor Licensing http://www.wvlabor.com/newwebsite/Pages/contractor_licensing_contractor_info.html Where people and nature meet West Virginia State Parks and Forests http://www.wvstateparks.com/ West Virginia State University More than 250 students will graduate from West Virginia State University http://www.wvstateu.edu/ West Virginia Driver Information Get Set to Drive https://help.lyft.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003435508-West-Virginia-Driver-Information Symbols of West Virginia | State Symbols USA Official state symbols, emblems, and icons of West Virginia - places to see in West Virginia - landmarks, parks, historic markers, cities and towns - learn the culture and history of West Virginia! https://statesymbolsusa.org/states/united-states/west-virginia West Virginia Vacation Planning and Tourism Information West Virginia has it all: rural retreats and country culture, steep hills and deep valleys, scenic vistas, serene retreats, and serious adventure! https://visitwv.com/ West Virginia - State Energy Profile Analysis - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Petroleum prices, supply and demand information from the Energy Information Administration - EIA - Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government https://www.eia.gov/state/analysis.php?sid=WV Selected famous natives and residents:,State symbols: ,West Virginia Find West Virginia stats, facts, state symbols, famous residents, and more. https://www.infoplease.com/world/states/west-virginia West Virginia State Information online taxes https://www.olt.com/main/home/wv.asp

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